Saturday, February 3, 2007

CARTOONS: Have Coffee and Serviette: Will Doodle..!

COFFEESHOP CARTOONING: RAPPORT-BUILDING. The quickly-but-skillfully-executed cartoon or caricature functions well as a conversation-starter in the 'agora' (marketplace) and especially in the contemporary 'latte village'. I've built many a (even though at first fragile and tentative) 'relational bridge' via someone's interest in one of my cartoons.

EDITORIAL FUN. A caricature of a US president, the state's governor, the mayor of the city, or an international figure never fails to get a rise out of someone around me. During election time or even (cautious) satire concerning The War on Terror, I find heightened interest, response, and reaction.

FROM BUSKERS TO SIDEWALK TROMPE L'OEIL. The public loves to observe an artist-at-work--especially if you're close enough to the queue to be noticed. And an accomplished cartoonist can harnass the attention of a caffeine aficionado. While s/he is standing in line for a No Foam Soy Americano, I catch many a glance. Once you sense you're being watched, a nod and warm smile will often provide a modicum of rapport which may lead to a 'How's it going?" or a comment about the art.

COFFEESHOP CARTOONING: PEOPLE-STUDY. I also enjoy (non-rhetorical) cocooning in a corner seat--withdrawing a little into my cartoon world. While relaxing with a breakfast cup of French Roast, the chatter at the next table, the posturing, the gestures, facial expressions, culture and world-view of my neigbors evoke and inspire cartoon ideas.

ART REFLECTS (OR SATIRIZES) LIFE. Swift, confident strokes with a felt tip sketch pen on a handy serviette or a sketch pad then illustrate the urban myth, folk logic, or cliche I've just overheard. Recently, for example, an absolutely stunning twenty-something brunette, sitting two tables down, caught my attention when she raised her voice and said to her tablemate, "If you see anything else you want--just ask for it..!" A cartoon quickly flowed from my pen!

SIDE BENEFITS (NO PUN INTENDED!). Mealtime sketching in restaurants and coffeeshops also helps me eat less and more sensibly. I pause a lot between bites and sips and feel more full and satisfied sooner.

CHEAP THRILLS. Yeah--just sit me down in a pleasant coffeeshop, hand me a Vente-With-an-Extra-Shot and a couple of napkins--and hang on while I'm seized with creative inspiration..!


1 comment:

P.C. Brewer: said...

This is a good Cartoonits' Link: