A fellow counselor and sweet friend, Laura, and I used to sit at Lovers Point in Pacific Grove, California, across from the Tinnery Restaurant and paint Plein Air while chatting with tourist onlookers. It truly was Lovers Point because there were so many smiling, affectionate-looking folks strolling around--not only basking in the Sun's rays and inhaling the delicious ocean breeze--but viscerally enjoying each other's presence. I so thoroughly relished this long day with my friend Laura that I almost over-worked this painting--using transparent watercolors at first and then finishing with opaque gouache.

Many years ago i went to Colombia, South America and while there purchased a collection of real butterflies mounted and pressed under a glass display mold. I used some of these as models for this fantasy watercolor piece on full sheet cold press Arches watercolor paper. (I have a secret technique to achieve this effect with transparent watercolor.)

I lived in England six months and sketched many beautiful places. This is Bath, England. Scaffolding and renovation apparati covered the entire facade and I sketched imaginatively how it was going to look when completed.
In the garden behind the house in England where I stayed once there was a little garden house with this wonderful many-times-painted window. I sketched it several times while I was there, but the sketches were later water-damaged.. Years later, at Fig Garden Village in Fresno, California, I re-painted the little window from memory while several good friends watched.

I took trains just about everywhere I went in England, Scotland, and Wales. This is Lavenham--I took a train from London, found a little bed 'n breakfast, and, after some 'bangers 'n bloaters' the next morning, I sketched for a day. I enjoy the juxtaposition of strcutrues from varying 'eras' and architectural periods--which you can so often see in the United Kingdom.

I visited The French Quarter in New Orleans (years before Hurricane Katrina!) and sketched many local musicians--including the famous Preservation Hall Jaaz Musicians. Back in my studio in California I turned my rough sketches into (usually transparent watercolor on 300 lb cold pressed paper) paintings.
I liked sketching the fig trees in Fig Garden Village (a favorite hangout) in Fresno, California. I've met so many wonderful people there. Was Fig Garden Village my parish..? So many dear friends..!
It was my privilege, in Lynchburg, Virginia, in 2006 to enjoy a delightful visit with Eldon and Georgie Easter. Sitting at Georgie's dining room table, one afternoon while talking with Eldon's son and my good friend, Craig, I looked over his head and painted this quick study of Georgie's buffet. (I intended to give her the painting before I left--perhaps I can give it to her in person when I move East!)
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